Il nostro studio è pensato per la cura e il benessere del nostro paziente, il quale potrà avvalersi della grande professionalità del personale, della metodologia e della tecnologia più moderna in un ambiente accogliente  e famigliare che promette al paziente di sentirsi a proprio agio. La necessità di cura odontoiatrica di qualsiasi genere relativa da ogni settore può essere trattata con successo dal personale dello studio che si è formato nel corso degli anni.

Who we are - Dr Danijel Kondic




Graduate at University of Zagreb (Croatia), Faculty of Dental Medicine , (Stomatoloski Fakultet) five years education program

Date of graduation :Zagerb   14.10.1987

Degree,  BS  Stomatologist

Graduate at University of Padua (Italy) Faculty of Dental Medicine (Corso di Laurea in Odontoiatria e Protesi Dentarie) , five years education program.

Date of graduation : Padova 15.07.1993.

Degree: Dental surgeon

Postgraduate in Implantology at University of Modena e Reggio Emilia (Italy); Modena, September 2005 – June 2006

Date of graduation   23.06..2006

Postgraduate in Implantology and Oral Rehabilitation at New York University, College of Dentistry – Continuing Dental Education Program ; New York, December 2009 – June 2011

Date of graduation 07.2011.


Employment history:           

 Zadar (Croatia) 1 year general dental practice in Dental Hospital and                                        private surgery

                                                                                                                                       Legnano (Italy) owner of Dental Surgery Dr Kondic since 1993,                                                       continuing collaboration with other colleges and surgeries since 1997



 Hands-on courses and trainings                                         


“Advanced Bone Graft”, Dr Michael A. Picos, MAP Implant Institute, Palm Harbor, Florida, USA


 “Procedure in Dissection and Exercises in Dental Implantology” Prof M. Chiapasco, Institute of Human Anatomy University of Medicine Wienna,(A)   18-21.10.2007

“PRGF Protocol” Prof A.Anitua, BTI  Biotechnology Institute, Bilbao(ESP)  21-22.05.2007

Implant Therapy in Periodontally Compromised Patients” – lectures at the “Department  of Periodontology”,  the Sahlgrenska Academy at Goteborg University,  Prof J.Lindhe , Prof Thor Berglund, Goteborg, SVE 11-14.05.2008.

“Soft-Tissue Management in Periodontal and Implant Therapy” Prof. Dr. M. Tonetti, Dr. P. Cortellini held 23-24 May 2011 at The Zimmer Institute Simulated Patient Laboratry, Winterthur, Switzerland

“Controversies and Innovations in Implants and Esthetics”  Dennis P. Tarnow, August 1-4,2013. IDEA Interdisciplinary Dental Education Academy, San Francisco Bay Area, CA, U.S.A.


Other courses. Immediate loading Implants 2004, Split Crest 2004, Sinus Lift Lateral Approach 2004, 3D Bone Block Graft 2005, Small Sinus Lift by Crestal Approach Technique Dr Cosci 2005, Bone Ridge Augmentation 2006 ,Soft tissue management 2008, Box Technique 2011,  and many other courses and congresses

 Scientific Publication :M Orlando, D. Kondic; Immediate loading with Over denture in Interforaminal Region using Swiss Plus Dental Implants with MTX Surface Quintessence International 3/bis 2010; 71-80

Member of Italian Dental Council From 1993  - Novara Dental Council  N°352

Member of SICOI  (Italian Association of Oral Surgery and Oral Implantology) since 2010

Nominated as a Clinical Coordinator NYU Project in Italy fsince  2012.

University lecturer at the Post Graduate Course of the University of Bologna since 2013

In my own surgery I work as a speaker in hands-on courses “Sinus Lift With Crestal Approach, Technique Dr Cosci” since 2009 and “Sinus lift - Technical Comparison”  since 2014  organized by Zimmer Dental Italy


Languages:  Fluent Croatian , Italian and English


Who we are - Dr Mara Airoldi

Dr Mara Airoldi has a degree in dentistry at the University of Pavia in 2007, she has supported courses in endodontics and conservative dentistry, mainly deals with endodontics and conservative dentistry.

Who we are - Dr Paola Zoccati

Dr. Paola Zoccati has a degree in dentistry at the University of Milan in 2005, Dr. Zoccati has since specialized in Orthodontics at the University of Mialno in 2010:  she takes care of orthodontics and pediatric dentistry in this study

who we are - Mrs Emilia Cogliati

Mrs Emilia Cogliati 
administrative employee, Emilia is responsible for managing calendar and communication studio

Gianluca Guadagnini

Dental technician graduated in 1985, completed in dental orthodontic, owner of the orthodontic workshop in Gallarate (VA)

Contact: tel +39 0331775534 

Email: guadagnino.ortodonzia @

Vittorio De Simone

Dental technician diploma in 1982. Holder of the laboratory MTVU of Busto Arsizio. 

Contact: tel +39 0331 627964 

Email: vittorio-de.simone @

Marina Brumana

Dental hygienist graduated in 2002 at the Université Europeen Jeann Monnet - Institute Associate "European Training Centre Vittorio Alfieri" in Varese.

Giuseppe Sanguedolce

Dental technician graduated in 1983, one of the owners of the laboratory associated Sa.Ma.Dent of Legnano (MI)

Contact: tel +39 0331 547727 


Ilenia Perrone

Dental technician diploma in 2005. 
Since 2006 she has experience as a dental assistant: In 2012 she graduated from the University Vita-Salute San Raffaele as a dental hygienist.